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  • Teaching a Lifelong Love of Learning

    You Belong at Maumee Valley
Welcome to the Maumee Valley community, where passion meets purpose, 每天都有机会对年轻人的思想产生持久的影响. 我们相信教育的变革力量, 我们敬业的教育工作者和支持人员团队是这一使命的核心. 加入我们意味着成为一个重视合作的大家庭的一员, innovation, 并致力于培养对学习的热爱. As a member of our team, you'll have the chance to inspire and be inspired, 以知识赋能学生,塑造未来, skills, and a lifelong curiosity. 我们为创造一个多元化的培育环境而感到自豪, creativity is encouraged, and professional growth is supported. 如果你对教育充满热情,想要在课堂之外寻找一份有回报的职业, 我们邀请你去探索mg冰球突破试玩等待着你的机会. 

Contact the Office of Human Resources at with any questions.
Maumee Valley Country Day School seeks reliable, enthusiastic, 还有耐心的教育工作者,他们赋予学生梦想的力量, explore, and cultivate their passions and strengths. Our faculty and staff do the same. 我们不仅仅是一所学校,也不仅仅是一群人——我们是一个终身学习者的社区,他们激发了快乐. 作为俄亥俄州西北部唯一的一所幼儿园至12年级的独立学校, 我们在一个进步的学术课程中支持一个有成就和多样化的学生团体. 

Maumee Valley Country Day School 创建一个包容的卓越知识分子社区,学习者创造性地探索他们的激情,大胆地激发世界的积极变化. mg冰球突破试玩长期致力于体验式教育仍然是学生体验的标志. 每个学生都在指导下通过与指导老师合作精心构建的个人旅程.

学生来自各行各业和世界各地, where diverse learners, voices, stories, 并听取经验,以增强和教育我们的社区成员.

我们寻求具有创新精神的顶级教师 谁是充满激情和改变生活的教育者,能够设计改变学生生活的体验. 
  • 你将被视为专业人士,加入世界一流的教职员工,吸引来自世界各地最优秀、最聪明的学生. 
  • MV的教育工作者使用创新和前沿的方法和教学法. 
  • 莫米山谷的教师在课程设置上有自主权, courses, 经验和创新的时间表,允许大量的计划时间, generous time off, and a two-week Spring Break. 
  • 家长参与和支持mg冰球突破试玩,并与教师和工作人员合作. 
  • Our small class sizes, a mentoring program for new teachers and staff, 个性化和强大的专业发展, 以及全面的福利和薪酬待遇,使mg冰球突破试玩成为杰出教育工作者的目的地.

Current Job Postings

List of 6 news stories.


    Position opening: Head of Middle School (grades 4-8)
    Type: Full-time administrator (12-month contract)
    Application deadline: Dec. 15, 2023 
    Start date: July 1, 2024
  • 楼宇及场地助理监督

    Position opening:屋宇及场地事务助理监督
    Type: Full-time staff
    Application deadline: Until filled
    Start date: Immediately

    Position opening: Residential life associate 
    Type: 全职员工(包括晚上、周末和一些学校假期)
    Application deadline: Open until filled 
    Start date: Aug. 15, 2023

    Position opening: Part-time Maintenance Worker
    Type: Part-time hourly (paid for time worked)
    Application deadline: Open until filled
    Start date: Immediate

    Position Opening: School Bus Operator
    Type: Part Time Hourly Staff 
    Start Date: Immediately

    Type: Substitute Teacher
    Application Deadline: Until filled

The Successful Candidate

许多其他个人和职业奖励促使教育工作者选择在独立学校工作,比如mg冰球突破试玩, including teacher's course load, control over curriculum, the student and parent climate, and wonderful coworkers. 以下是在Maumee Valley工作的一些好处:
  • 私立学校可以自由地教授他们认为最适合学生的内容和方式.
  • 私立学校的教师可以自由地创造满足每个孩子需要的教育体验,而不需要国家对课程的强制规定, textbooks, and testing.
  • In 2019-2020, 全美独立学校协会(National Association of Independent Schools)成员学校的师生比例中位数为8.5:1.
  • In 2019-2020, students of color were 33.私立学校入学率为3%,而私立学校入学率为3%.4 percent of students were from other countries.
  • 教职员工和教师都希望并重视教师的参与.

    How to Apply

    Maumee Valley seeks to attract, retain, 并支持多元化和有才能的员工队伍,并欢迎申请所发布的职位. 请以PDF或Microsoft Word格式将文件电邮至

    Documents needed: MVCDS application,求职信,简历和三份专业推荐信. 请在邮件主题中注明职位名称.

    mg冰球突破试玩致力于为所有员工和申请人提供平等的就业机会,而不考虑种族, color, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin, citizenship status, genetic information or condition, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, pregnancy, military status, or status as a veteran.

    (Federal government required posting: Transparency in Coverage Health Plan Data.)

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    • Call Today

      Welcome to Maumee Valley
    mg冰球突破试玩是唯一一所经过prek -12年级认证的学校, co-educational, 以及俄亥俄州西北部和密歇根州东南部的独立学校.